23. November 2024

Study: Digital Wallet Features

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Digital Wallet Features

The rapid evolution of digital payment methods has underscored the necessity for comprehensive analysis of user preferences and perceptions. In this context, Kantar Public has conducted a study on behalf of the European Central Bank (ECB). This report assesses euro area citizens’ perceptions concerning specific digital wallet features, illustrated through short, animated videos. The primary objective is to provide the ECB with deeper insights into digital payment preferences across the euro area, facilitating the design of potential features for a future digital euro.


This report focuses on euro area citizens‘ perceptions of various digital wallet features, depicted in short, animated videos. The study aims to offer the European Central Bank (ECB) a deeper understanding of digital payment preferences within the euro area, aiding in the design of potential features for a future digital euro.

Key Objectives

  • Understand User Perceptions: Assess how different user groups perceive digital wallet features.
  • Support ECB Design: Provide data to support the design of a digital euro that aligns with user preferences.


The study was conducted through focus group sessions in all euro area countries from December 2022 to January 2023, involving a total of 321 participants. The participants were divided into different target groups based on their digital affinity and role in the payment process:

  • General Population: Assessing overall perceptions and understanding.
  • Tech-Savvy Users: Focusing on those with high digital literacy.
  • Merchants: Evaluating business-oriented features.
  • Underbanked Individuals: Understanding the needs of those with limited access to traditional banking services.

Key Findings

  1. High Interest in Security and Privacy: Users prioritize features that ensure their personal and transaction data is protected.
  2. Ease of Use is Crucial: Simplified user interfaces are essential for widespread adoption across different demographics.
  3. Integration with Existing Services: Seamless transactions with banks, retailers, and government services are highly valued.
  4. Accessibility: Features must be inclusive, catering to individuals with disabilities.


For a detailed understanding of the study results and insights into digital wallet features, download the full report from Kantar Public here and learn more about the European Central Bank’s initiatives.


The Kantar Public report provides valuable insights into the preferences and concerns of euro area citizens regarding digital wallets. By leveraging these insights, the ECB can make informed decisions about the potential features of a digital euro, aiming to enhance user experience, security, and financial inclusion.

For a detailed look at the findings and implications, you can read the full Kantar Public report and explore more about the European Central Bank’s initiatives. ​



Über European Central Bank

Die Europäische Zentralbank (EZB) ist die Zentralbank für die 19 EU-Länder, die den Euro eingeführt haben. Sie ist verantwortlich für die Aufrechterhaltung der Preisstabilität im Euroraum und die Überwachung der Banken. Die EZB gestaltet und implementiert die Geldpolitik, führt Devisengeschäfte durch, hält und verwaltet die offiziellen Währungsreserven der Eurozone und sorgt für das reibungslose Funktionieren der Zahlungssysteme. Mehr Informationen findest du hier.

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