12. März 2025

PWC’s Take on Metaverse

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PWC Metaverse

PwC India’s recent survey of top executives in India indicates that business leaders have
begun taking steps to harness the potential of the metaverse. Almost 70% of respondents
say that they plan to integrate it into their organisational activities, while 63% of companies
that are actively engaged with it emphasise that they will fully embed the metaverse in their
organisational activities within a year.

The COVID-19 pandemic, and the subsequent lockdowns in many parts of the world, introduced wide-ranging changes in business operations. Business leaders met, brainstormed, took decisions, hired, bought, sold and conducted many other aspects of their operations on digital platforms. This intense increase in virtual activities cast the spotlight on a relatively new player in the digital world – the metaverse – and its potential to take businesses to new heights.

Businesses are embracing the metaverse, both in India as well as across the globe. PwC India’s survey
conducted early this year covered around 150 business leaders from sectors such as technology, media
and telecom (TMT), financial services (FS), pharma and healthcare, retail and consumer, industrial products, government, automotive and EdTech.


PricewaterhouseCoopers. (n.d.). fuelling indias future with bioenergy. PwC. https://www.pwc.in/research-and-insights-hub/embracing-the-metaverse.html

Über PWC

Mit Niederlassungen in 151 Ländern und mehr als 364.000 Mitarbeitern gehören wir zu den weltweit führenden Netzwerken für professionelle Dienstleistungen. Wir unterstützen Unternehmen und Privatpersonen dabei, den Wert zu schaffen, den sie suchen, indem wir Qualität in den Bereichen Wirtschaftsprüfung, Steuerberatung und Advisory Services liefern. Weitere Informationen findest du hier.

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